Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My new creation of the day..

I can almost hear that Toby Keith song now! American Made...what do you think? It is for sale on ARTFIRE too too if you like it.

Enter To Win

A bead booby made some red bead soup today.

It looks awesome to work with and you can win it! All you need to do is register for a bead booby website with a valid email address. The winner will be announced here and on our facebook page.
Good Luck!

Ends July 10th 3PM Pacific Standard Time So Enter Now! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

4th of July Polymer Clay Beads

I am having some success with polymer clay. I wanted to list all my projects in order, but I am going to skip ahead because I want to submit my 4th of July Beads to Polymer Clay Daily.

I currently mix, furnace glass, my own polymer clay creations and charms to make my own unique style of the European bracelets and necklaces.

These ones in particular are small holed beads of 2mm. This isn't usual for me. I usually make large holed beads and finish them off for European bracelets but supply and demand is making me make smaller holed beads for people who desire them. I made these while I was on vacation and immediately sold ten before I made it home.

I usually gloss them but these particular ones were so beautiful they just don't require it in my eyes. Tell me what you think?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some polymer clay designs

Some early designs. The round ones made with grommets for a finish design to use on Pandora style stuff. The pictures are the bottom are regular beads ( mint chocolate chip) and the turquoise square focal bead is polymer clay as well.